Ilala Lodge Hotel | Linen Donation to Hospital | Victoria Falls
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Linen Donation to Local Hospital

By Ilala Lodge Hotel on May 20, 2019

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
― Desmond Tutu

As a family run hotel, Ilala Lodge Hotel has the ability and heart to quickly respond to calls for help and assistance. This past week, we were contacted by Megan, from the wonderful and dynamic organisation, Mummy’s Angels Zimbabwe. With the help of Dr Michael Jeans, Mummy’s Angels Zimbabwe have undertaken to make some positive changes to the Maternity and Paediatric Art & Play therapy ward at Victoria Falls Hospital.  They are going to upgrade the bedding and hospital gowns,  and add new privacy dividers to the wards. We answered this call as best as we could, teaming up with Victoria Falls Rest Camp and donating a fully-laden truckload with our second-hand linen, curtains and mosquito nets to the hospital for their use.

Helping Victoria Falls Hospital

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